Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro – Single
VITOLA: TORPEDO | LENGTH: 6 (153 mm) |
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#Cigar of the Year 2019 by Cigar Aficionado
#14 on the Top 25 Cigars of 2021 by Cigar Aficionado
#96 Rating By Cigar Aficionado
The Story of Aging Room Cigars
The journey of Aging Room Cigars revolves around Rafael Nodal, a man who initially had no plans to enter the cigar business. His path from music to cigars is a tale of determination, partnerships, and creativity, culminating in creating the Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro—Cigar Aficionado’s 2019 Cigar of the Year.
From Cuba to New Beginnings
In 1980, Nodal arrived in the U.S. as a refugee from Cuba on the Mariel boatlift. With no background in cigars, he initially pursued a career in music, which first took him to New York City and eventually to Miami. Once in Miami, he shifted to a more practical career in healthcare. There, he met his future business partners, Hank Bischoff and Dr. Alina Cordoves, who later became his wife.
Early Steps in the Cigar World
Nodal’s entry into the cigar industry began in 1998 when he and his partners started selling cigars online. In 2002, they acquired Habana Cuba Cigar Co., a struggling brand with lackluster products. Despite early challenges, Nodal sought to reinvent the company.
The Birth of Aging Room
In 2011, Nodal introduced Aging Room Small Batch M356, marking a turning point for his brand. He rebranded the company as Boutique Blends and partnered with José “Jochy” Blanco in the Dominican Republic to produce Aging Room cigars. The new line gained recognition, with the Presto size earning a spot in Cigar Aficionado’s 2011 Top 25.
A Crowning Achievement
The highlight of the Aging Room portfolio is the Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro, crafted by A.J. Fernandez in Nicaragua. This all-Nicaraguan blend embodies Nodal’s vision, enhanced by Fernandez’s expertise. The cigar delivers a dynamic flavour profile, ranging from rich notes of dark chocolate and wood to subtle hints of caramel and toasted almonds.
A Creative Legacy
Rafael Nodal, a musician at heart, continues to view cigars as his artistic outlet. The creation of Aging Room was his breakthrough, the Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro stands as his crowning masterpiece, a testament to his passion and innovation.
The Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro is the first Quattro cigar to be made outside of the Dominican Republic and uses only Nicaraguan tobacco to form the distinctive taste of this cigar.
The flavour is complex and develops throughout the smoke. This complex blend of Nicaraguan tobacco has created a wonderful full-bodied cigar, with an excellent draw and burn and delicious taste and aroma.
Tasting notes: notes of wood and dark chocolate with subtle and sweet hints of caramel and almonds
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