How External Factors Affect Your Cigar Experience
administrator2024-09-17T12:49:04+01:00How External Factors Affect Your Cigar Experience
For ages, there has been more to a premium cigar than just smoking. It's a tradition, a time for oneself in peace, and a celebration of taste. A premium cigar is a product of many hands this includes each step from the cultivation...Debunking The Top 6 Myths of Premium Cigars
administrator2024-09-18T15:40:45+01:00This weekend, reserve the favourite corner of your house with your friends around. Live in the moment with the scent of rich tobacco hanging in the air. Among all the chatter and laughter, you might hear the whisper of myths about premium cigars. One of your friends says the dark...
Analyzing the Rise of Online Cigar Shops in the UK & Globe!
administrator2024-09-18T15:41:31+01:00Analyzing the Rise of Online Cigar Shops in the UK & Globe!
Remember that scene from the 1940s classic 'Casablanca,' where Humphrey Bogart selects his favourite stogies from a humidor? That scene served as a blueprint for forthcoming generations to come. But many of you may not find this scene as...Top 10 tips to enjoy premium cigars: A perfect smoking experience
administrator2024-09-18T15:43:06+01:00Top 10 tips to enjoy premium cigars: A perfect smoking experience
Welcome to the world of premium cigars, where every puff is an experience to savor. Not all smokers are the same; there are a few who know the art of smoking!The art of smoking! What's that? You may ask.Well,...How to cut a cigar…cutting tools
administrator2024-09-18T15:26:23+01:00Cutting tools Cutting a cigar is easy, cutting a cigar well is something else : choosing the right utensil, the best distance and opening, the type of cut for each...
How to take care of a cigar…humidors
administrator2024-09-18T12:27:51+01:00How to take care of a cigar...humidors Can you imagine any wine lover leaving their precious bottles stored in any way and in extreme conditions? Well, cigars, like the best wine, must be the object of extreme...
How to light a premium cigar…
administrator2024-09-18T14:02:00+01:00How to light a premium cigar Those of you who have been in the world of cigars for a long time know that everything within it requires a certain amount of time and symbolism, a...
How to travel with a cigar…
administrator2024-09-18T14:11:21+01:00How to travel with a cigar... Either when you open the humidor, or when you visit the cellar, you see all those jewels that are cigars. You observe the job well done, its beautiful layers, its...