Italico Tradizionale Cigar – Pack of 5


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Italico Cigars

The Ambasciator Italico cigar embodies Italian style and a passion for craftsmanship. Despite being relatively new, the brand has quickly won over cigar enthusiasts with its exceptional quality.

Originating in Veneto, Italico cigars feature a distinctive Italian shape, wider in the middle and tapering at both ends. Ambasciator Italico offers a variety of handmade options, including full-length and half-size cigars, available in both traditional and aromatic flavours.

Italico crafts its cigars with a dark-fired Kentucky wrapper from Verona and dark Kentucky fillers from Benevento. The brand enhances the tobacco’s aromatic complexity through an innovative natural fermentation process, aging it for 12 months.


Italico Tradizionale has notes of coffee, leather, aromatic wood and liquorice, giving it an intense and balanced strength. Mild to medium in terms of its strength with that unique Italian taste and aroma associated with dark fire Kentucky leaf.


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