AJ Fernandez, a renowned Nicaraguan cigar maker, creates some of the most sought-after cigars in the industry. Known for blending rich, complex flavours, he uses premium Nicaraguan tobacco and expert craftsmanship. His cigars, like the New World and Enclave series, offer bold, balanced profiles that appeal to enthusiasts worldwide.Fernandez’s dedication to quality and innovation has solidified his reputation as a top figure in the cigar world.
AJ Fernandez Blend 15 Robusto Sampler – Humidified Bag of 5
Original price was: £77.45.£69.99Current price is: £69.99.AJ Fernandez Bellas Artes Robusto Sampler – Humidified Bag of 4
Original price was: £96.96.£86.99Current price is: £86.99.