Cigar of the Year – A Celebration of Perfection

Welcome to the pinnacle of cigar excellence – the Cigar of the Year collection at The House of Cigars. These are more than cigars; they are works of art, crafted with precision and passion, crowned by the world’s most respected critics. Selected by icons like Cigar Aficionado Magazine and Cigar Journal Magazine, each blend tells a story of innovation, craftsmanship, and flavour mastery.

Every Cigar Award represents a moment where tobacco transcends tradition, creating an unforgettable experience for aficionados. These cigars set the gold standard, whether it’s the rich complexity of a full-bodied legend or the subtle elegance of a medium-bodied masterpiece.

At The House of Cigars, we bring you the world’s most celebrated smokes, recognized for their flawless construction, unparalleled flavour, and exceptional quality. These aren’t just cigars; they’re the best of the best, ready to elevate your collection and your smoking experience.
